Meet The Actress Who Is Changing The Face Of PR

A woman has developed a pioneering approach to PR with the aim of making it more accessible to entrepreneurs, coaches and experts looking to build a personal brand. Actress Luana Ribeira didn’t take a traditional route into the world of PR herself. But after she started securing herself coverage in the media, she realised she wanted to help others share their messages and become more visible and founded her own PR agency – Dauntless PR. She quickly realised there was a significant number of entrepreneurs, coaches and experts who were keen to learn how to raise their profile…

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Welsh Actress to Unveil New TV Show at Cannes Film Festival

Welsh actress Luana Ribeira will be at the Cannes Film Festival this month to unveil her new TV show. It’s Luana is a comedy series including spoof news, sketches, satire and music. Featuring Luana alongside a diverse cast, the show will be premiered at Cannes at the Pavillon Afriques on May 22. The programme will appear on Dauntless TV, a new channel being released on Amazon Fire TV next month. Luana, who lives in Anglesey, will be filming an episode of another of the channel’s shows – Dauntless Movie Hub –…

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Meet the coach who help women reclaim their Mind, Heart, and Cookie®.

Women who have been abused by their partners often lose their sense of self, but one coach has made it her mission to help them find themselves again.  Nilzara Rivera, who runs the business Coach Nilzara, is an Intimate Partner Violence Recovery Coach. She holds a space for women where they can learn who they are without the influence of their abusers or anyone else, a process she describes as “reclaiming their mind, heart and cookie®.”  The 38-year-old, from Chesapeake, Virginia, in the United States, was inspired to do this…

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Halifax Business Coach To Talk About ChatGPT At Social Media Conference

A Halifax business coach will be teaching entrepreneurs how they can embrace technology and use AI to help with their content creation. Georges Hanna, the founder of Smart Income Lifestyle Inc and an expert in sales, marketing and business development, will be speaking at Social Media Day Halifax 2024. The event on Friday, June 7 aims to bring together the brightest minds in social media, digital marketing and content creation. Georges will be explaining how people can make the most of AI when writing for their businesses with his presentation,…

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Dating Coach Creates Quiz To Stop People Sabotaging Their Own Love Life

Dating coach Adam Lyons has created an online quiz to help people discover the ways they might be sabotaging their own chances of romance. The Self Sabotage Dating Test allows people to find out which of seven personality types they belong to and how this impacts the way they date. Aimed predominantly at men, the test is designed to help them see the ways they have been self-sabotaging when it comes to dating so they can improve their chances of success. Adam, who is the founder of Ask the Dating…

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