Jeff Brummett, Financial Advisor with Greenline Financial Services, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Silent Retirement Killers

Jeff Brummett discusses silent retirement killers: protecting your financial future. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:  The episode delves into the significant impact that touching the money in people’s portfolios can have on long-term performance. Jeff Brummett explains that as people reach the stage of life where they need to start utilizing their retirement funds, market losses become a major concern. Withdrawing money from their accounts involves negative math that can detrimentally affect the overall performance of their portfolios. Jeff Brummett points out that many…

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Roger Silvera Discusses Attracting and Retaining Top Talent for Small and Mid-Size Architectural Firms

Small and mid-size architectural firms face unique challenges when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent. With the increasing demand for skilled professionals in the architecture industry, it is crucial for these firms to develop effective strategies that will help them stand out from the competition. In response to this pressing need, Roger Silvera, a significant provider of innovative solutions for architectural firms, is proud to announce its comprehensive program aimed at helping small and mid-size architectural firms attract and retain top talent. Roger understands the specific needs and…

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Doctor who helps people live longer and healthier lives is named female speaker of the year

Doctor and longevity coach Dr Alka Patel has been named Female Speaker of the Year in a prestigious awards ceremony. After a long career as a GP, Alka now specialises in helping people live longer while feeling and looking younger. For the last two years, she has combined her work with public speaking, shining a spotlight on important issues surrounding health and wellbeing. The Professional Speakers Academy awarded Alka the prize at its annual awards ceremony at the Riverside Venue in Hounslow, London on Saturday, November 18. She described the…

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Award success for public speaker and high performance coach

High performance coach Moses Nalocca has been named Best Transformational Speaker for 2023. The 39-year-old received the international accolade at the Professional Speakers Academy Annual Awards, which were held in Hounslow, London, on Saturday, November 18. Moses works with entrepreneurs, business leaders and sports stars to help them achieve their goals and his mindset work with Bulgarian athlete Ivet Goranova helped her achieve the country’s first Olympic gold medal in 13 years. Moses, who lives in London, was chosen out of a long list of inspiring public speakers to receive…

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