Chozen Martial Arts Academy Offers Free BJJ Training to Law Enforcement

Chozen Martial Arts Academy has partnered with Adopt a Cop BJJ to provide free Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training to our local law enforcement officers free of charge.

“We teach BJJ to our students for self defense,” owner and Head Instructor Danny Trujillo says. “But police and law enforcement can use the same skills to give them more options to protect and serve our community.”

As police departments nationwide review their training requirements, Brazilian jiu-jitsu has become a prominent part of the conversation. BJJ incorporates a wide array of holds and submission techniques that give officers additional, non-lethal means of addressing resisting suspects while reducing the chances of injury to both parties.

Community leaders nationwide have pushed for police departments to include BJJ requirements to officer training. Former Presidential candidate Andrew Yang has advocated for mandatory BJJ training. In addition, a recently proposed Michigan bill would require Michigan police cadets to obtain their blue belt, the second ranked belt in BJJ after white.

Trujillo shares, “No doubt there are times that higher uses of force are needed, but BJJ can help reduce those instances significantly. Plus, it’s a great workout, which means our law enforcement will be healthier and more fit. It’s a win-win for them and our community.”

For more information or to apply, please contact Heather at 909-599-7511 or go to

Chozen Martial Arts Academy serves the communities of La Verne, San Dimas, Glendora, and surrounding areas by providing training in karate, Krav Maga, and BJJ.

Adopt a Cop BJJ is a nonprofit, donation based program that allows active duty patrolling police officer’s around the country to train at any Adopt A Cop BJJ affiliated academy and will pay 100% of the officer’s membership until they reach the rank of Blue belt. 

Location Info:
Chozen Martial Arts Academy
670 Arrow Hwy, La Verne, CA 91750

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